Created by Laurence McKenna and Mo Mooncey, the new documentary titled 'The Next Dance' is an exploration of British Basketball in regards to its culture and its influences across the border.
It features many familiar faces in the current British Basketball scene including London Lions guard Justin Robinson, professional player Ed Lucas and many more as well as influential figures such as Harry Pinero. Spoken about was the importance of community that has come about as a result of the game, lifelong friendships that stem from a shared love for a sport that has shaped the lives of many. Brotherhoods, sisterhoods, bonds that have withstood the tests of time.
The Next Dance also takes a look at Zion and explores the link between his growth into the superstar that he has become and those within the British Basketball community, how he has influenced and continues to influence players and fans young and old.
The 25-minute documentary is available to watch on YouTube.
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